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" All coaching is about taking an individual where they can’t take themselves ”
As one of the industry’s leading coaches, Charles has the uncanny ability to help his clients become more successful than they think they are capable of being – to set better goals, and to reach those goals.


Specifically, Charles uses his remarkable natural ability to teach and mentor his own highly effective and successful techniques., to help his clients turn their vision, mindset, goals and actions into a clear, workable plan, and then helps them to implement that plan. 


He guides them step-by-step through the process and makes them accountable, to ensure they achieve and exceed their personal and business objectives. 



​“ The achievements of an organisation are the results of the combined effort of each individual ”
No matter the state of the real estate market, whether buoyant or flatlining, it is increasingly difficult to find answers to the questions posed not only by vendors and buyers, but also by your agents, desperate to maintain their competitive advantage and stay motivated. Charles’ skill lies in assessing the needs of you and your team, and understanding that a team is only as good as its individual members. He integrates himself into the business and the culture, and his hands-on, practical mentoring programme is designed to develop and maximise the potential of the team as a whole, as well as each individual team member.
Charles has been “one of you”. Everything he says, he’s experienced and successfully used, throughout his highly lucrative real estate career. 

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